How Metafury Change the Forex Trading market using the Future verse industry

Metafury future verse has committed to contributing to this evolution since 2018. Metafury management team thought first things come first. The forex trading market buys and sells currencies regulated by a fluctuating exchange rate. These transactions occur in the foreign exchange (also known as forex) market. The concept of forex trading has been around for years. Since 3,000 B.C., travelers have swapped currencies to use between countries. This essential function of forex has turned it into the world’s largest and most liquid market. People worldwide partake in trillions worth of foreign exchange transactions every day. Impressive? It certainly is. But do you know when modern forex trading began? THE BIRTH OF MODERN FOREX Modern forex began in the 1970s when the U.S. stopped redeeming dollars for gold. They placed tariffs on imports leading to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system. As a result, countries stopped pegging their currencies to the dollar. This devalued it, promp...